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A Look inside our Progressive Classroom
At Academy of Excellence Preschool, we promote collaborative and cooperative learning by focusing on community, responsibility, and group participation. A progressive classroom helps students develop their emotional intelligence and social skills. Our students learn through hands-on activities by conducting experiments, collaborating with their friends, and investigating independently. Traditional Schools focus on the teacher and what they teach. Our Progressive Classroom focuses on our students and how they can learn. Our children do much more than just copy or memorize facts. They work on mastering their social skills, teamwork, creativity, critical thinking, and independence.

- Learning shapes and finding those shapes in items throughout the classroom.
- Building towering skyscrapers, sturdy bridges and long tunnels with blocks and Lego.
- Working collaboratively to design and perform a play, complete with props, costumes and settings, to be performed for other preschool classes.
- Planting vegetables and flowers for a class garden, and showing responsibility for caring for their plants.
- Using recycled materials, including cardboard boxes, to create a model of the spaces and structures in their communities.
- Applying their understanding of how books work to create their own stories, putting together simple sentences and adding illustrations. Sharing and listening to classmate family stories which may include traditions and customs.
And soooo much more!