My son loves to play pretend Cheff. What does the University of Cambridge say about that?

June 14, 2024

Your son’s enjoyment of pretend kitchen games is a positive indication of his developmental progress, particularly in areas like creativity, social skills, and understanding of everyday life activities. Whether you should encourage him to diversify his play activities depends on several factors, including his interests and developmental benefits associated with different types of play.

Benefits of Pretend Kitchen Play:

Pretend kitchen games are not just about cooking; they involve elements of planning, measuring, and cooperating with others, all of which are valuable skills. Research suggests that such imaginative play is critical for cognitive and social development. A study from the University of Cambridge found that engaging in role-play helps children develop communication skills, understand social roles, solve problems, and gain empathy.

Should You Influence Him to Play Many Games?

While it’s beneficial for children to engage in a variety of play types, it’s also important to allow them to follow their interests. A diverse range of play experiences can promote different aspects of a child’s development:

  • Physical play like running, climbing, and playing ball games improves motor skills and physical health.
  • Constructive play, such as building with blocks or creating art, enhances spatial reasoning and creativity.
  • Games with rules develop a child’s understanding of structure and fairness, and improve their ability to negotiate and follow rules.

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), children benefit from having opportunities to engage in a wide range of play types. This exposure helps them develop a broad set of skills and interests.

How to Encourage Diverse Play:

  1. Provide a Variety of Play Materials: Ensure your son has access to different types of toys and materials that can stimulate various forms of play. This might include balls, blocks, puzzles, and art supplies, in addition to his kitchen set.
  2. Play Together: Occasionally, join in on his play to gently introduce new concepts or ways to play. For example, you could incorporate a pretend restaurant scenario where you are a customer, which introduces him to new roles and ideas within the context of his familiar kitchen game.
  3. Encourage Group Play: Playdates with peers can naturally introduce new types of play, as different children often bring different play preferences and ideas to the table.
  4. Observe His Interests: Pay attention to what he’s most interested in during his play and look for ways to expand on those interests in new directions. If he likes the aspect of organizing in his kitchen play, he might enjoy a game that involves sorting or categorizing.


While it’s great that your son loves pretend kitchen play, gently introducing him to a variety of play types can enrich his development. However, it’s also important to let his natural preferences guide his play choices. Studies show that children learn best when they are engaged and interested, so following his lead while providing opportunities for varied experiences is likely the most beneficial approach.